The knife show is currently on hold
We have been monitoring the situation with other shows and many of the larger have cancelled again and with no idea on what measures we would be required to implement we will miss another year till there is some clarity to any guidelines we may have to follow.
Knives UK 2021 – biggest knife show in the UK
Showcasing some of the country’s top knife and tool makers. Premium quality custom blades – aimed at outdoor professionals, enthusiasts and collectors, even chefs.
Meet the makers. Hear the stories behind the blades.
If you appreciate handcrafted blades made from the finest materials available, this is the show for you.
See the 2019 video of the show >
Stephen Nowacki is the featured knife.
Find out more about Steve’s blade >
Raffle Draw on the day!

This years show offers you:
- a return to Tortworth Court
- finely crafted bushcraft blades
- custom made knives
- kitchen knives
- pocket knives for every day carry
- axes and hatchets
- products for their care and maintenance.
This is a friendly show aimed at adults – if you are bringing children please ensure they are under your constant supervision.

More than just a knife show… it’s a celebration of steel!
Bushcraft tools, blacksmithing, blades, axes, outdoor living and much more!
Latest News

Sharpest Knife Competition
Using a BESS Certified sharpness testing machine, Tactical Reviews will be accepting entries for ‘The Sharpest Knife’ Competition, to definitively determine who has the sharpest edge.Enter the competition or have your knife sharpness certified. The winning knife and...
Download the 2021 Exhibitor booking form soon
Please contact Mike with any queries using the contact form >